Milan Secures Third Central Division Seat of the UPC
UPCに関するアップデート | 31.01.2024
On January 26, 2024, the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and Italy reached a milestone with the finalization of the Headquarters Agreement for the UPC's Central Division's third seat in Milan. This development follows the UPC Administrative Committee's decision in June to relocate a key section of the Central Division to Milan from London, encompassing sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, agriculture, food, tobacco, home appliances, clothing, wood and furniture, firefighting, and sports and gaming.
The agreement's formalization, coming after Milan hosted the International Training Days for the UPC in November, marks a significant step in strengthening the UPC as a new court system in Europe. The signing ceremony at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw Nicola Verola, Director General for Europe, and Klaus Grabinski, President of the Court of Appeal, representing Italy and the UPC respectively.
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