Legal notice

This website provides information and comments on legal issues and developments of interest in the field of industrial property. No claim is being made as to the completeness of this web site. Also, nothing in this website constitutes legal advice. Liability is insofar not assumed. Since intellectual property laws and systems are multi-faceted and intricate, we recommend obtaining professional advice regarding any problem or matter before taking action with respect to any information contained in this website. HOFFMANN EITLE also does not assume responsibility for the content of other websites that can be accessed via a link on this website.

The following is information required by Sec. 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Sec. 2 of the Regulation on Information Duties Regarding Services (DL-InfoV). If you have any questions in this regard, please contact one of our offices or send an e-mail to

Responsible within the terms of the German Telemedia Act are the patent attorneys and attorneys at law of HOFFMANN EITLE Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung ("HOFFMANN EITLE" hereinafter).

A list of members of the partnership can be found here.

Our UK Regulatory Notices can be found here.

Places of business


Arabellastraße 30
81925 Munich

+49 89 92409-0
F +49 89 918356

VAT No.: DE 130 502 536

Düsseldorf (visitor address)

Immermannstraße 20
40210 Düsseldorf

+49 89 92409-0
F +49 89 918356


Harmsworth House
13-15 Bouverie Street
UK, London EC4Y 8DP

+44 20 7427 0200
F +44 20 7936 4510

VAT No.: GB 449 6390 11

Hamburg (visitor address)

Jungfernstieg 1
20095 Hamburg

+49 89 92409-0
F +49 89 918356

Partnerschaftsregister Amtsgericht München | PR 1372

HOFFMANN EITLE cooperations


Società unipersonale
Piazza Sigmund Freud 1, Torre Garibaldi 2, 22° piano
20154 Milan

+39 02 655 501 4
F +39 02 655 606 05

VAT No.: IT 06703650967
Commercial Register: REA MI – 1909409

This cooperating company is an S.R.L. (Società a responsabilita limitata) under Italian law and is represented by the managing directors Dr. Declan Mulhern and Giovanni Corneo.


Paseo de la Castellana, 140 3º
28046 Madrid

+34 91 782 27 80
F +49 89 91 83 56

VAT No.: CIF: B 86610599
Commercial Register: Registro Mercantil de Madrid: tomo 30.612, folio 152, sección 8ª, hoja M 550963 e inscripción 1.

This cooperating company is an S.L.U. (sociedad limitada unipersonal) under Spanish law and is represented by its manging director Dr. Joachim Renken.


C/Baldiri Reixac 8, Torre I, 7ª  planta
08028 Barcelona

+34 93 400 83 63
F +49 89 91 83 56

VAT No.: B 86610599
Commercial Register: Registro Mercantil de Madrid: tomo 30.612, folio 152, sección 8ª, hoja M 550963 e inscripción 1.

This cooperating company is an S.L.U. (sociedad limitada unipersonal) under Spanish law and is represented by its manging director Dr. Joachim Renken.


Weerdestein 97
1083 GG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 20 299 8763

VAT No.– BTW nummer = NL 858569954B01
Commercial Register - KvK nummer (Kamer van Koophandel) = 71076573

This cooperating company is an B.V. under Dutch law and is represented by its manging director Frank van Bouwelen.

The European Trademark Attorneys and European Design Attorneys are registered at the EUIPO. The European Trademark Attorneys are subject to the rules of the Council Regulation on the Community Trade Mark (EU 2017/1001) and on the Community Design (Regulation EC/6/2002).

The German patent attorneys (Patentanwälte) are admitted under German law and are registered at the German Patent and Trademark Office and are members of the German Patent Attorneys Association.

The patent attorneys admitted under UK law are registered in the patent attorney register kept under Section 275 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 and at the Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg).

Our Dutch patent attorneys (octrooigemachtigde) are members of the Dutch Patent Institute (Nederlandse Orde van Octrooigemachtigden).

Our Italian patent attorneys (consulenti in brevetti) are admitted under Italian law by the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale and are members of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale.

Our Belgian patent attorney (mandataire agréé en matière de brevets d’invention) is admitted under Belgian law by the SPF Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie, Office de la Proprieté intellectuelle, and is entered in the Register of Professional Representatives established under Article XI.65 et seq. of the Belgian Code of Economic Law.

Our Spanish patent attorneys (agente de la propiedad industrial) are admitted under Spanish law and is registered in the Special Register of the Industrial Property Agents of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office and member of the Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial.
The Official Association of Industrial Property Agents, COAPI

The German attorneys at law (Rechtsanwälte) are all, unless specified otherwise, admitted as attorneys at law under German law and are members of the Bar Association in the district of the Higher Regional Court Munich ( The German attorneys at law are also admitted representatives at the EUIPO in Alicante, Spain. They are subject insofar to the rules of the Council Regulation on the Community Trade Mark (Regulation EU 2017/1001) and Council Regulation on the Community Design (Regulation EC/6/2002).

Codes of professional conduct:

European Patent Attorneys

German Patent Attorneys

UK Patent Attorneys

  • Code of Conduct of 28 September 2009 of the Intellectual Property Regulation Board

Dutch Patent Attorneys

For the Italian Patent Attorneys

Spanish Patent Attorneys

For the German Attorneys-at-Law

  • Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
    [German Attorney-at-Law Code]
  • Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA)
    [Code of Conduct for German attorneys at Law]
  • Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)
    [German Attorneys Remuneration Act]
  • Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
    [Act Governing Specialized Attorneys]
  • Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union issued by the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community)

The codes pertaining to German attorneys-at-law can be found in both English and German on the website of the Federal Bar Association at For English, click on "Informationspflichten gemäß § 5 TMG" and click there on "The Federal Lawyers Act", etc.

Our attorneys, including our UK, Italian, Spanish and Dutch attorneys and our Belgian attorney, have a worldwide professional indemnity insurance at the Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Dieselstrasse 8, 85774 Unterföhring, Germany.

The rules governing conduct do not allow the attorneys-at-law and the patent attorneys of our firm to represent conflicting interests. For this reason, it is always ascertained before representation is assumed whether there is a conflict of interest.

Design and technical realisation of the website:
Agentur 22 Werbe GmbH
Bavariaring 22
80336 München