New Rule 19 EPC

出版物 | 04.03.2021

Changes in the designation of the inventor at the European Patent Office

As of April 1st 2021, Rule 19 EPC, which regulates the designation of the inventor, will be changed. Most notably, paragraphs (3) and (4) will be deleted, which means that inventors will no longer be notified of their designation. Due to the fact that the EPO therefore no longer needs an inventor’s full address, Rule 19(1) has also been modified. From April 1st on, instead of an indication of a full address, applicants need only provide the inventor's country and place of residence. The place of residence is the city or other municipality where the inventor permanently resides, and includes the postal code (where available). If either the country or the place of residence is missing, the EPO will invite the applicant to remedy this deficiency, and will refuse the application if it is not remedied in time.

Note, however, that Rule 19(2) EPC remains unchanged: the European Patent Office shall not verify the accuracy of the designation of the inventor.

Rule 143 EPC has been changed accordingly: as of November 1st 2021 the full addresses of inventors will no longer be published in the European Patent Register and only their country and place of residence will be indicated.
