Michele Giunta von HOFFMANN EITLE

Michele Giunta

Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney 语言 IT | EN | FR 电子工程和数字技术团队 Encrypted E-mail to Michele Giunta



T +49 89 92 40 90
T +39 02 655 501 4
E mgiunta@hoffmanneitle.com

Arabellastraße 30
81925 München

A problem-solver on your side

Michele Giunta, European and Italian patent attorney, is a member of HOFFMANN EITLE’s Electrical Engineering & IT practice group.

As an experienced researcher in the field of particle physics, Michele has the ability to connect the abstract to practice. Applied to intellectual property and in particular to patents, this has allowed him to develop an effective and pragmatic approach. His strong scientific background means he has a thorough understanding of even the most complex inventions and this enables him to turn patent applications into patents with the broadest possible protection.

Michele joined HOFFMANN EITLE in 2012, combining patent law with his scientific background, and is now active in the fields of telecommunications, detectors, software, medical instruments and electronic devices in general, offering advice and solutions for patent prosecution, opposition on both sides and appeals.

Michele worked as a physicist for many years at CERN and at Fermilab in the Chicago area. He was part of the team working on the world’s largest hadron colliders and contributed to developments at the forefront of technology in data analysis and detector science, for example hunting the Higgs boson and making precise sub-atomic particle measurements.

Michele relaxes by riding his motorbike, working with wood and enjoying nature with his family.

  • Ph.D. in Experimental Physics, 2007 (Siena University).
  • Graduated in Physics in 2003 (Pisa University).
  • Italian Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Trained as European Patent Litigator
  • epi
  • UIBM