Henrik Vocke
Ph.D. (Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney Languages DE | EN | FR Mechanical Engineering Team Encrypted E-mail to Henrik Vocke
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T +49 89 92 40 90
E hvocke@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 München
Efficient prosecution meets powerful litigation
From his early years at HOFFMANN EITLE, Henrik Vocke took every opportunity to be involved in complex patent infringement and opposition cases. He continues to be extensively involved in litigation but not to the detriment of prosecution work. Instead, Henrik focuses on how prosecution influences litigation, and vice versa. This allows him to combine the best of both worlds: efficient prosecution and powerful litigation.
With his engineering background, Henrik advises clients in various fields such as automotive technology, machine tools, printing technology, medical technology, traffic engineering, materials technology and geotechnology. As mechanical technology is increasingly calling for connectivity, Henrik recently obtained the “Internet of Things” certificate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He closely follows the latest advances in computer-implemented inventions such as AI in the mechanical context.
Henrik serves European and US clients, but also has a keen interest in working with Asian clients after conducting a research project at the Kajima Technical Research Institute in Tokyo in 1996.
Since 2011, Henrik has been giving lectures on German patent law at the Queen Mary University of London.
- Technical University of Darmstadt – Dipl.-Ing. (1997)
- University of Stuttgart – Dr.-Ing. (2001)
- German Patent Attorney (2005)
- European Patent Attorney (2005)
- Leaders League Ranking 2020 & 2022