Jan-Hendrik Spilgies
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem., German and European Patent Attorney 语言 DE | EN 化学团队 Encrypted E-mail to Jan-Hendrik Spilgies
T +49 89 92 40 90
E jspilgies@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 München
Jan-Hendrik Spilgies is one of the many people at HOFFMANN EITLE’s main office who do not come from Bavaria. However, having been with HOFFMANN EITLE in Munich for more than 25 years, he almost feels like a native.
Over the years, he developed an interest in Japanese people & culture, which may be one of the reasons why many of his clients come from Japan, covering various chemistry-related fields such as pharmaceuticals, polymers and alloys. His business trips lead him to Japan usually once or twice a year.
His key to success when working with clients for developing a solution for a particular problem: place yourself in the position of your client. This will very much help you to talking the same language, both legally and technically. His key to success when defending a client’s case in front of a Court or Patent Board: it is crucial to convince the Board, but it is futile to try to persuade your client’s adversary.
Jan-Hendrik joined HOFFMANN EITLE in 1996, after completing his doctoral thesis in physical chemistry at the University of Cologne. Already in university, he always had a particular interest in clearly formulating his ideas and solutions, orally and in writing, so that others would easily understand and would be convinced more easily.
Outside the office, Jan-Hendrik tries to spend as much time as possible with his family, if possible in the Alps – which is why he lives just five minutes by bike from the office.
- Diplomchemiker, Universität zu Köln (Cologne University)
- Dr. rer. nat. in physical chemistry (microemulsions), Universität zu Köln (Cologne University)
- German Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- German Patent Attorney Bar Association
- epi