Marc Dernauer
Of Counsel
Dr. jur., LL.M., Associate Professor, LL.M. (JP), Attorney-at-Law and Certified Specialist IP Lawyer Langues DE | EN | JP Équipe Contentieux en matière de brevets et contrats E-mail chiffré à Marc Dernauer
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E mdernauer@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 Munich
Practical experience – academic precision – intercultural competence
Marc Dernauer is not only a German attorney at law and certified IP specialist lawyer, but also a professor of law at Chuo University in Tokyo, where he teaches Japanese and German law. With a passion for all things Japanese and the differences between European and Japanese law, he is particularly experienced in advising Japanese clients on patent and other intellectual property matters in German and European law, taking into consideration the legal background in Japan. Knowing Japanese law, he also can give advice on legal matters related to Japan.
Marc joined HOFFMANN EITLE’s patent litigation practice group in 2006. In 2013, he became an associate professor, and later in 2020 a full professor of law in Japan, but remained associated with HOFFMANN EITLE as of counsel to provide assistance in his field of expertise. In the past, he was also lecturer at the ETH Zurich in the MAS ETH IP Program (2008–2010) and at the Faculty of Law of Freiburg University (2010–2013). In 2018, he was a visiting professor at The University of Sydney Law School, and in 2019 at Melbourne Law School. Marc studied law and Japanese studies at universities in Germany (Marburg and Freiburg) and Japan. He received an LL.M. from Tohoku University in Japan and his doctoral degree in law from Freiburg University.
- University of Freiburg (Law Faculty, First State Examination, 2000)
- Tohoku University, Japan (法学修士 (LL.M.), 2002)
- University of Freiburg (Dr. iur., 2005)
- German Attorney-at-Law (2006)
- Certified IP Specialist Lawyer (2010)
- Munich Bar Association
- German-Japanese Association of Jurists (DJJV)
- German Association of Comparative Law
He has published numerous articles and books in the field of intellectual property law and general private law, and is co-editor of the Journal of Japanese Law (ZJapanR/J.Japan.L., https://www.zjapanr.de/index.php/zjapanr). Below is a selection of his works:
- Requirements for a Patent Term Extension of Pharmaceutical Patents (Case No. 58), in: C. Heath / A. Furuta (eds.), Japanese Patent Law: Cases and Comments (Wolters Kluwer, 2019) 621–633.
- Information Duties: Japanese and German Private Law (Carl Heymanns, 2018) (ed. with H. Baum and M. Bälz).
- Self-regulation in Private Law in Japan and Germany (Carl Heymanns, 2018) (ed. with H. Baum and M. Bälz).
- [ドイツ]欧州司法裁判所によるFRAND判決(Huawei 対 ZTE事件)及びドイツ裁判所の動向(その1&2)[Germany – The FRAND Judgment (Huawei vs ZTE) of the ECJ and the Practice of the German Courts], Chizai Kanri Vol. 66/10 (2016) 1311–1321, Vol. 66/11 (2016) 1496–1504 (with C.T. Steins).
- ドイツ法及びEU法に関与するドイツ特許または欧州特許関連のライセンス契約実務 [German and European Patent Licensing Practice in View of German and European Law], Chizai Kanri Vol. 64/11 (2014) 1654–1668 (with C.T. Steins).
- EU特許パッケージ入門 [The EU Patent Package], Chizai Kanri Vol. 64/5 (2014) 721–736 (with C.T. Steins).
- Business Law in Japan: Cases and Comments (Wolters Kluwer 2012) (ed. with M. Bälz, C. Heath, A. Petersen-Padberg).
- Patent Term Extension in Japan, in: B. Hansen / D. Schüssler-Langeheine (eds.), Patent Practice in Japan and Europe? Liber Amicorum for Guntram Rahn (Wolters Kluwer 2011) 589–610.
- Verbraucherschutz und Vertragsfreiheit im japanischen Recht [Consumer Protection and Freedom of Contract in Japanese Law] (Mohr Siebeck, 2006).